As a freelance copy editor, I have worked on numerous art museum publications, primarily for Paris-Musées, 25 Magazine and scholarly texts.
Jorge Rivas Pérez, “Modern Design for Living in Venezuela: Miguel Arroyo and His Circle, 1948-1963,” Ph.D. dissertation, Bard Graduate Center, 2018
Andy Warhol: Shadows, wall texts, 2015
Paris Liberé exhibition catalog, 2014
Zeng Fanzhi exhibition catalog, 2013
Robert Crumb: From the Underground to Genesis, exhibition catalog, 2012
Kiss the Past Hello, Larry Clark exh. cat./artist book, 2011
Sturtevant: The Razzle Dazzle of Thinking, exh. cat./artist book, 2010
Hauteville House Guide, Victor Hugo museum, Guernsey, 2010